Classes have been canceled on Thursday, Feb. 13
due to inclement weather.

Welcome to Greenhills!

We are thrilled that your family is joining the Greenhills community! While your journey here is just beginning, know that students and parents become part of our school for a lifetime. We look forward to getting to know your one-of-a-kind student and watching them grow into a curious, creative, and responsible citizen throughout their time here.

As you get to know Greenhills, you’ll likely have many questions — and we hope you will use this page as a starting point for answers. Below you will find information regarding course selection and placement, athletic opportunities, and important dates. If you don’t find an answer to a question, please reach out to the Office of Enrollment Management at

Susan Beamish Dean of Academics

Dean of Academics Susan Beamish welcomes new families to Greenhills School, and shares an overview about course options and how families will work with the academic office.

Watch the video


Steps 1-3 were completed during course selection. Please complete steps 4-5 here.

  1. Math Placement on May 18

    We look forward to seeing your child for math placement testing on Saturday, May 18. Our math department will review information from this test in conjunction with your child's transcripts and previously submitted letters of recommendation to place them in the appropriate math class.

    If you have not scheduled your math placement testing or if you have any questions, please email

  2. Music Selection (Indicated During Course Selection)

    Students joining Greenhills in 6th grade are placed in one of three music ensembles: Choir, String Orchestra, or Wind Orchestra. While students cannot be guaranteed their top choice, their preference was recorded when their course selection form was submitted.

  3. Language Placement (Indicated During Course Selection)

    As previously communicated, our Middle School Language program is a three-year sequence of study that starts with beginning level courses in the 6th grade and continues through the end of 8th grade. At Greenhills School we believe that the skills learned in each of the four languages are as important as the languages themselves, each of which yields great benefits to our students as they enter the global community.  

  4. Athletic Interest Forms

    Middle School is a wonderful time to branch out and try something new or keep up with something you love. This will not lock your student into participating in any sport, but will allow you to stay in the loop on team updates.
    > List of Athletic Offerings
    > Indicate your student's athletic interest here

  5. Submit your student's updated physical

    All students who plan to participate in athletics need to submit a physical form completed on or after April 15, 2024. Completed forms are required by the first day of practice.
    > Download a copy of the MHSAA Athletic Physical Form

    Hold onto your completed form to upload it to GryphOn, our online system. Information on how to access GryphOn to come this summer. If you have questions, please email the athletic department at 


Saturday, May 4, 10:00am – 11:30am at Greenhills School

Students and parents joining Greenhills for the 2024-25 school year are invited to this casual event as they officially become part of the Greenhills community. Students will participate in fun activities with classmates in their respective divisions (middle school and upper school), and parents will have opportunities to connect and learn more about what’s ahead.


You can see the entire calendar of events, including a list of major dates, at Important dates to remember:

An Introduction to Greenhills from the Head of School
June 5 at 7:00pm, Virtually on Zoom
Head of School Peter B. Fayroian will give parents a brief overview of Greenhills School, including its mission, history, and cultural norms. You will also learn more about how the School operates and have a chance to meet some members of the administrative team. Time will be reserved for answering parent questions.
>Register to attend


  • August 21, 5:30pm – 7:00pm at Greenhills School: New Parent Social
  • August 23, 9:00am – 12:00pm at Greenhills School: 6th Grade Orientation for Students
  • August 26: Classes Begin
  • August 28, 6:00pm – 8:45pm at Greenhills School: Back-to-School Night for Middle School
  • September 13: Middle School Class Retreats


  • May 11: New families begin receiving the weekly eForum newsletter (see below)
  • Mid-June: 6th Grade Orientation Information
  • June 6: Last weekly eForum of the 2023-24 school year
  • July 10: Summer Info: Things to Know and Do
  • Mid-July: Course Assignments, Book Orders
  • Late-July: Fall Sports Classic: Alumni vs. Varsity Invite; Upper School Fall Sports Information
  • Early August: Welcome Notes from 6th Grade Team Leaders; Things to Know and Do Reminder; School Photo and Locker Setup Information
  • August 8: Weekly eForum Newsletter resumes
  • Mid-August: New Parent Social Invitation; Class Schedules, Book Orders, and Schedule Changes


eForum Newsletter
All parents and students will receive our school newsletter, called the eForum, every week on Thursdays. Please commit to reviewing the eForum for news, updates, and important details about what’s happening at Greenhills.

The Hub
You can visit The Hub ( on Greenhills’ website anytime to find information, documents, forms, and more.
> Go to The Hub


Course Guide

Learn about the courses being offered in the coming year in the course catalog.

Family Handbook

Now is the time to become familiar with school policies, programs, and other information, all of which can be found in the Greenhills Student and Family Handbook.

Meet your 6th Grade Team Leaders

Mayra E. Diaz Head of Middle School
Bridget Quinn Maldonado Middle School Dean of Students
Laurin Wolf 6th Grade Team Leader
Lauren Yavor 6th Grade Team Leader

Other People You May Need to Know

Heidi Butz, LMSW Director of School Counseling; FRESH Co-conceptual Director
Jennifer Nidetz, LMSW School Counselor
Caitlin Smead Director of the Learning Center
Allison Kaplan Learning Specialist
Saturday, April 24
Open to anyone ages 16 and up. Limited quantities available.
Greenhills is closed for mid-winter break and will return on Tuesday, Feb. 22.