You can see the entire calendar of events, including a list of major dates, at greenhillsschool.org/calendar. Important dates to remember:
An Introduction to Greenhills from the Head of School
June 5 at 7:00pm, Virtually on Zoom
Head of School Peter B. Fayroian will give parents a brief overview of Greenhills School, including its mission, history, and cultural norms. You will also learn more about how the School operates and have a chance to meet some members of the administrative team. Time will be reserved for answering parent questions.
>Register to attend
- August 21, 5:30pm – 7:00pm at Greenhills School: New Parent Social
- August 26: Classes Begin
- August 28, 6:00pm – 8:45pm at Greenhills School: Back-to-School Night for Middle School
- September 13: Middle School Class Retreats
- May 11: New families begin receiving the weekly eForum newsletter (see below)
- June 6: Last weekly eForum of the 2023-24 school year
- July 10: Summer Info: Things to Know and Do
- Mid-July: Course Assignments, Book Orders
- Late-July: Fall Sports Classic: Alumni vs. Varsity Invite; Upper School Fall Sports Information
- Early August: Welcome Notes from 7th Grade Team Leaders; Things to Know and Do Reminder; School Photo and Locker Setup Information
- August 8: Weekly eForum Newsletter resumes
- Mid-August: New Parent Social Invitation; Class Schedules, Book Orders, and Schedule Changes