Bound by Books: Spanish Students Visit Perry Center

Once upon a time (three years ago) Spanish teacher Elaine Moffat realized that the Spanish books that her Spanish 2 students had created in class would make a great community outreach project.
And so on March 9, for the third year, 36 Greenhills Spanish students booked over to the Perry Child Development Center (PCDC) in Ypsilanti, bringing with them the Spanish books they had written and illustrated, as well as elaborately decorated Spanish cards. Once at the center the students met and spent time with their four- to six-year-old buddies, introducing themselves and conversing in Spanish.
The newest chapter in the PCDC adventure this year was spending a longer time with the students and playing games in addition to just reading. Braeleigh Apley ’12 also organized a book drive beforehand to benefit the Perry School’s library.
Commented students:
“I really enjoyed seeing the smiles on the kids’ faces.”
“My understanding my buddy’s Spanish gave me a confidence boost.”
“This was one of the coolest experiences I’ve ever had.”
Click here to view a photo montage of the visit.