GH Garden Harvests Almost 500 lbs of Produce for Food Gatherers

During the gardening season of 2011, Greenhills donated a total of 491.63 pounds of produce, all donated to Food Gatherers to be used in local soup kitchens or made available to needy families in Washtenaw County.
The week of each donation, the current market value of organic produce was determined for those items and the final value came out to be $1068.10.
Many thanks to all of the volunteers: Amanda Harper; Teresa Jong; Pilar, Cristian, and Sophia ’12 Fierro; Mike Wixom; Jennifer and Ethan ’12 Price, along with Ethan’s grandmother; Bridget and Neil ’14 Sykes; Kelly, Peyton ’16, and Camryn ’17 Ovsek; Alison Schulte ’17; Becky and Chloe ’16 Andrews; and Tom and Martha Friedlander.
The Greenhills’ community garden plot is located one mile east of Greenhills, at the Project Grow property that is part of Matthaei Botanical Gardens.