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Nineteen seniors present ‘top quality’ Advanced Research projects

Nineteen seniors present 'top quality' Advanced ResearchArtificial intelligence, combat wound treatments and automobile temperature sensors were just a few of the topics presented at the Advanced ResearchProject Showcase March 27.

Nineteen seniors presented their yearlong research work in poster form in the Dining Room, where they explained their research and answered questions. Later in the evening, four students (Ashwin Fujii, Ally Hogikyan, Alex Turner, and Henry Aspegren) presented an in-depth overview of their work in the Campbell Center.

Now in its seventh year, the advanced research program begins the summer before senior year, when students are paired with a mentor at a university or private sector lab. The program (and research) continues as a course throughout the senior year.

“The advanced research program was very helpful in giving me contacts outside the school environment,” comments Kayla Mandel, who wants to be a doctor. “I spent 200 hours in the U-M’s ECMO lab last summer doing pre-natal research and wearing scrubs. I loved every minute!”

“This is probably one of the biggest Advanced Research classes we’ve ever had,” remarks science teacher and former Advanced Research project coordinator Jim Lupton. “It is certainly the tops as far as quality.”

Advanced Research students and their research topics included:

Henry Aspegren (Novel Hydrogel Drug Delivery System for Combat Wound Treatment)

Chang Che (Applications of Aqueous Two-Phase Systems)

Shahzaib Chughtai (Testing the Effects of Angiogenesis Inhibition on Chicken Embryos)

Lang DeLancey (Construction of Oligodeoxynucleotide Probe for Screening Targeting Vector for Creation of a Gene Knockout Mouse)

Ashwin Fujii (EGR Temperature Sensor)

Rishi Goel (Graphene: A Comparative Analysis – SPG Multilayers)

Piyush Goyal (The Photocatalytic Effects of Varying Concentrations when Applied to NiWO4)

Joe Hakim (MATLAB Scripting to Analyze Integrity of fMRI Data)

Allison Hogikyan Allison Hogikyan – pictured right-  (Copper (I) and (II) Oxide Synthesis and Electrode Position)

Krishna Hu (Ceratopsin Histology and Implications of Dinosaur Physiology

Jonathan Liu (The Fbox-30 Protein as a Potential Regulator of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes)

Kayla Mandel (Creating an Artificial Placenta: Veno-venous Extracorporeal Life Support Using a Premature Ovine Model)

Caleb Nusbaum (The Stress of a Wafer)

Mithun Saha (Possible Inhibitors against ERK-1, 2 of AAA Rat Cells)

Sam Sobel (Initial Mass Function of Small Galaxies)

Matteo Todisco (Identification of Bmi1 as a Gastric Stem Cell Marker)

Alex Turner (Soar-SC: A Platform for Artificial Intelligence in StarCraft: Brood War)

Davis Vorva (Radiotracer Used to Detect Cathepsin K to Diagnose Osteoporosis)

Soungbin Yim (NGF and ROS Effect on Nerve Growth of PC12 Cells)

Saturday, April 24
Open to anyone ages 16 and up. Limited quantities available.
Greenhills is closed for mid-winter break and will return on Tuesday, Feb. 22.