NOSB Team: Great Lakes Scientists for a Day

On Monday the Greenhills National Ocean Science Bowl (NOSB) team sailed the Inland Seas based in Suttons Bay, Mich. for a schoolship program that was awarded to them as a result of taking second place at the regional competition called the “Great Lakes Bowl” last February.
The program was a half-day sail aboard a traditionally rigged schooner, giving students the opportunity to become Great Lakes scientists for the day. Our students participated in project-based science learning by collecting fish, water, plankton and sediment samples aboard the schooner. Students identified and analyzed the samples with the assistance of experienced educators.
Students also learned about boating safety and navigation, and got the opportunity to steer the schooner alongside a professional crew.
Sailing with the Greenhills NOSB team were: Allison Hogikyan ’13, David Barbehenn ’13, Justine Robinson ’13, Emily Wu ’13, Brendan Kelley ’14, Tony Opipari ’14, Ben Giampetroni ’14, Kyle Nowak ’14, Clayton Schulenberg-Connell ’14, Frank Fazekas ’15, and Tanwei Chen ’15, along with faculty chaperones Julie Smith and advisor Dr. Deano Smith. Senior Henry Aspegren has been an integral member of the team since his 9th grade year but was unable to attend due to prior commitments.
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